
Contemporary usage of Indic Vaastu principles

— Atul Sathe For most people in urban and semi-urban areas, the maximum part of the day is spent in the built-up environment, be it in an office, shop or home. Naturally, the quality of this manmade environment plays a vital role in the physical and mental wellbeing of people. Along with aesthetic beauty, any building should first satisfy the utility factor for its occupants, both at the levels of matter and energy. This is what the ancient Vaastu Shastra of Indic origin aims for. The recently organized workshop on ‘Vaastu Shastra for Design’ beautifully delved into the holistic Indian…
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MIT Yogavahini Yoga Instructor Training

Overview Course name: Yoga Instructor Training (YIT) course (international certification) Venue: MIT SVS, MIT ADT University campus, Loni Kalbhor, Pune Designer & Instructor: Yogavahini Duration: One year Schedule: Three face-to-face sessions Fee: Rs 30,000 (payable in three installments @ Rs. 15k+10k+5k) Eligibility: Basic fitness Important dates: Last date for registration: February 4, 2020; Course dates: March 4-8, 2020 (five days), first half of June 2020 (10 days), December 2020 (five days) Enroll: Pay fee online  Introduction In an era of rising healthcare costs and various physical and mental ailments troubling people of all age groups, a holistic system that not…
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Tutorial on Tantrayukti – Indic Approach to Scientific Discourse and Thesis-writing

Being conducted on: 29-30 June 2019 (Sat-Sun) Being conducted at: Kavikulaguru Kalidasa Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur, Maharashtra  MIT SVS Course ID: VSF102 – Tantrayukti – Indic Method of Thesis Construction Course Designer and Instructor: Dr. Jayaraman Mahadevan, Director, Krishnamachari Yoga Mandiram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Bharatam Workshop Organisers: Kavikulaguru Kalidasa Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur, Maharashtra School of Vedic Sciences, MIT ADT University, Loni Kalbhor, Pune, Maharashtra Indic Academy Inter-Gurukula-University Centre for Indic Knowledge Studies (IGUC-IKS), Hyderabad, Telangana Course Syllabus: See below Last Date to Enroll: 22nd June 2019 Introduction Ancient India’s scientific / shaastric tradition is so insistent on coherent and…
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संस्कृते शास्त्र-बोधन-स्पर्धा

    बोधन-कुतूहलम् संस्कृतमाध्यमेन शास्त्रबोधन-विषयिणी स्पर्धा विषयः अयि भोः अध्यापकाः! नैकासु उच्चविद्यासंस्थासु पाठ्यविषयत्वेन संस्कृतं विद्यते इति सुविदितमेव। संस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयेतर-महाविद्यालयेषु अङ्कार्जकविषयतया संस्कृतं परिगण्यते इति छात्राः एतावत् पर्यन्तमपि संस्कृतपठने… क्षम्यतां भोः, संस्कृतरटने दत्तादराः वर्तन्ते इति जानीमः! विषयान्तरेषु प्रासङ्गिकत्वप्रदर्शनद्वारा प्रायोगिकप्रस्तुतिद्वारा च रोचकत्वोत्पादनाय प्रयासाः प्रवर्तन्ते सततम्। संस्कृताध्यापने पाठ्यक्रमे चापि सद्यः नैकाः सुधारणाः सूचिताः शैक्षणिकमण्डलैः। परं तत्रादौ महाविद्यालयेषु संस्कृतमाध्यमेन रोचकतया संस्कृतं शास्त्रं च पाठयितुं समर्थाः सिद्धाः च शिक्षकाः सन्ति वा इति जिज्ञासवः वयं संस्कृते शास्त्रबोधनस्पर्धामेतां प्रवर्तयितुम् उत्सुकाः स्मः। तत्रभवन्तः अत्र विषये आत्मानं परीक्षितुमिच्छुकाश्चेत् पठन्तु अग्रे -> किं भावयेत्? – संस्कृतमाध्यमेन रोचकतया भवतः/भवत्याः शास्त्रबोधनकौशलमत्र स्पर्धाविषयः। बोध्यविषयाः गणत्रये विभक्ताः। प्रथमगणे बोध्यानि शास्त्राणि- काव्यशास्त्रम् – भरतस्य नाट्यशास्त्ररीत्या रसनिष्पत्तिः काव्यम्…
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बोधन-कुतूहलम् – Online Contest: Teaching Saṁskṛit Subjects in Saṁskṛit Medium

    बोधन-कुतूहलम् An Online Contest for Teaching Saṁskṛta Subjects in Saṁskṛta medium   Saṁskṛta teaching-learning, as a medium of knowledge, has been one of the most underrated and underutilized spheres of higher education in our times. To encourage young scholars to turn their minds and efforts to this end, MIT School of Vedic Sciences announces a Contest for teaching śāstras in Saṁskṛta (at college level). We urge the scholars to focus on how to make the content and method of teaching śāstras more interesting and relevant to learners in colleges coming from modern education backgrounds by approaching the śāstras…
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Indic Academy & MIT SVS Indic Shaastra Mining Projects at Veda Vijnana Gurukulam

Ancient India had a rich scientific tradition based on the tenets of evidence-based reasoning, strong emphasis on systematic thinking and real-world practice. Some of its insights are being discovered to be highly relevant and valuable even today – in mathematics, linguistics, logic, aesthetics, psychology, management and wellness sciences to name a few. India’s analogue of modern science is the shaastra, which has a rigorous definition based on the concept of Yukti or rationality and rules to model real-world phenomena. All Indian shaastras employ a common methodology of structured inquiry and discourse derived from its three native fundamental knowledge sciences –…
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Workshop: Computer assisted analysis of human expressions

A 2-day workshop on computer assisted analysis of human expressions was organized by the University Department of Computer Science and Mumbai University on 30th and 31st March 2019. Dr. Sai Ramakrishna Susarla, Dean, MIT School of Vedic Sciences, was invited to deliver a session on Concept Mapping of Shaastra Texts on 30th March. Taking cue from the previous session where discussions regarding OCR technology pertaining to hand written texts took place, Dr. Susarla started his session by presenting how deep learning may be used in OCR reading to derive higher precision. He then spoke about Concept Mapping of Shaastra Texts,…
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