Master’s Certificate Program in Vedic Sciences

Duration of Program

8 months

This bundled course is designed under MAEER’s Institute of Indic Knowledge Studies to groom the next generation of ambassadors of Vedic Sciences, who can study and authentically articulate the Indic scientific tradition, and bridge the gap between Indian and modern scientific discourse. It enables one to perform independent and application-oriented study of Vedic concepts in modern times.

SVS’ strategy is to impart Vedic Science education at a level more suited to modern audience. Instead of focusing on deep shaastra expertise, SVS has designed its curriculum and programs to familiarize modern professionals with the methods used in Vedic Sciences and equip them through all foundational courses, with interpretative skills to enable Indic scientific studies (including learning Samskrit) and practical application. Moreover, this Master’s Certificate offers the much needed flexibility in the pedagogy, which the busy professionals are looking for.

Value Proposition

Knowledge of relevant aspects of Vedic Sciences is increasingly being valued in many mainstream careers, which enables a person to look at any issue holistically leading to sustainable outputs.

  • Multi-disciplinary R&D – Several opportunities at IITs and institutions abroad for Indic science experts
  • Teaching – Growing number of universities (especially outside India) looking for faculty that can teach both modern and ancient perspectives comparatively
  • Consultancy – Management, counseling, executive coaching, construction, aesthetic design, etc.

Admission Criteria

  • A short write-up called ‘Statement of Purpose’ indicating specific area of interest in Vedic Sciences – This is followed by a phone interview.

Program Details

  • Bachelor’s degree in any discipline – Prior knowledge of Samskrit not required
  • ₹70,200 (+ 3% online fee)
  • Fill and submit the SVS online registration form. Select the “Master’s Certificate in Vedic Sciences” program.
  • You will receive a response asking for a statement of purpose. Once your admission is approved, proceed to pay the fee.
  • To pay the fee and enroll, click here to add the course to shopping cart and proceed to checkout.
  • Inform SVS of your payment details by sending an email to
  • You will receive an email from SVS confirming your enrollment. This will be your payment receipt as well.
  • You will be added to the next batch of classes.
Sr. No.EventDate
1Admission procedure commencement1st March 2021
2Program commencement12th July 2021
3Last date of joining this batch5th July 2021

Applications accepted throughout the year. But those applying after the last date of joining this batch, will be admitted in the next batch.


Curriculum Outline
Semester Course Id Course Name Topics Covered Credits L-T-P Ratio Hours
Sem 1 VSF002 Samskrit-1 Working knowledge of Sanskrit language – to speak and understand 3 2-0-1 90
VSF101 Indic Knowledge Landscape Classification of Indic knowledge disciplines. Basis of classification, Philosophy behind the basis 2 1-0-1 30
VSF004 How to Study Indic Shaastras-1 Purpose, structure and methodology of Indic sources and how to study them 2 2-0-0 30
VSF003 Samskrit-2 Introduction to the terminology used in Indic Shaastra texts 3 2-0-1 90
VSF103 Indic Thought Model-1 Indic approach to knowledge organization based on Nyaya-Vaisheshika, Sankhya and Purvamimansa 4 4-0-0 60
VSF301 Indic Philosophy of Life The worldview underlying Vedic scientific and technological pursuits 3 3-0-0 45
VSF302 Foundations and Facets of Ethics Foundations of ethics, contemporary and Vedic perspectives 3 3-0-0 45
Total       20   390
Sem 2 VSS102 Ashtadhyayi Pravesha Introduction to the exposition style of Panini’s Ashtadhyayi 4 2-0-2 75
VSF105 How to Study Indic Shaastras-2 Case study – Mahabhashya 3 2-0-1 60
VSF102 Indic Reasoning and Debating Indic approach to robust reasoning; Science of debate, logic, analyzing statements, write and wrong inference; Valid sources of knowledge, proof, logical fallacies, decision-making, critical thinking 2 1-0-1 45
VSF005 Contemporary Issues in Indic Knowledge Studies Social, political, academic, environmental ambience that necessitate Vedic studies 3 3-0-0 45
VSF201 Vedic Aesthetics Vedic principles of beauty, aesthetic experience, style, components of beauty, process of creativity, aesthetic appreciation 3 3-0-0 45
VSF104 Indic Thought Model-2 Indic method of inquiry based on language model – Vakyapadiiyam and its implementation in Paninian grammar. 4 3-0-1 60
Total       19   330
Curriculum Block Schedule
Semester Course Block # Course Slot 1 Course Slot 2
1 Block 1 (1.5 months) Samskrit-1 Indic Knowledge Landscape (1 month)
How to Study Indic Shaastras-1 (1 month)
Block 2 (1.5 months) Samskrit-2 Indic Thought Model-1 (1 month)
Block 3 (1.5 months) Foundations & Facets of Ethics Indic Philosophy of Life
2 Block 1 (1 month) Indic Reasoning & Debating How to Study Indic Shaastras-2
Block 2 (1.5 months) Contemporary Issues in Indic Knowledge Studies Ashtadhyayi Pravesha
Block 3 (1.5 months) Vedic Aesthetics Indic Thought Model-2
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