Research @ MIT SVS
Indic Knowledge Studies is trending large in recent times. Scholars and professionals from mainstream academic disciplines are now exchanging notes with Indian Shaastras. The exploration for utilizing Shaastric knowledge in contemporary applications is on the rise and it is envisaged that there is huge scope for research in this direction.
At MIT SVS, the focus is on Applied Shaastric Research.
Following is a list presenting the disciplines and thrust areas of research work envisaged at MIT SVS.
Vedic Psychology
- Understanding past-life regression from Vedic perspective
- Vedic measurables, observables and controllables for human psychology
- Understanding thought vs. emotion, conscious vs. sub-conscious, personality and behaviour from Vedic perspective both from root texts as well as from their interpretations by Indian sages.
- Psychology of Cult behaviour – Vedic Perspective
- Vedic understanding of recalcitrant child behaviour and its interventions
Vedic Psychology
- Connection between Tantrayuktis and Purvamimaamsa Sangatis
- Integrated universal ontology for representing real world entities by combining Saankhya, Nyaaya, Vaisheshika and Vyaakarana/Vaakyapadiiya (18 samuddeshas) worldviews
- Representation of Indian Penal Code using Mimaamsa Interpretative Techniques
- Mapping the diagnostic workflow of Ayurveda
- Mapping diagnostic workflow of Yoga Therapy
- Influence of food on behaviour
- Ayurvedic interpretation of Aesthetic experience
- Can Aesthetic experience be employed to diagnose behavioural disorders and treated Ayurvedically?
- Representing Yoga Sutra text to be amenable to issue-based consultation
Social Sciences
- Universal model of Ethics and Empathy
- Expressing western political theories in Vedic terminology
- Understanding and influencing Decision-making – A Vedic Perspective
- Vedic models of leadership
Faculty Research Projects
- Shaastric Knowledge Representation
- Vedic Model of Psychology
- Indic Thought Models
Principal Investigator: Prof. J. Suryanarayana
This is a project that involves multi-institutional participation in Shaastric text tagging and conceptual mapping to enable graphic presentation of Shaastra texts (with or without their commentaries) in multiple layers to enable text search, conceptual search, cursory study, deep delving through drilling down the multiple levels of discourse in the Shaastras and be used as a systematic teaching-learning tool that simplifies the comprehension effort. The two parameters based on which Shaastra texts are basically analyzed are
- the structural roles of each sentence, including their syntactic and semantic roles, based on context (Tantrayukti)
- the inter-sentence and intra-sentence relationships (Nyaaya-sambandhas)
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Vaishnavi Nishankar and Prof. Sushama Chintalapati
Expert Guidance: Prof. Shrinivasa Varakhedi, VC KKSU Ramtek, Nagpur.
Ph.D. Research Projects
- Ph D in Vedic Sciences
- Ph D in Psychology
- Short term Research Fellowship
Scholars from varied professional / knowledge / interest domains who are trained in Applied Shaastric learning undertake their Ph D in Application-oriented Interdisciplinary Shaastric research through this program for utility and impact in contemporary knowledge / profession / lifestyle.
With a view to use the advance study and outcomes available in varied Indian Shaastras regarding mind and its working, application oriented research is undertaken in psychology taking in to account both modern and Shaastric perspectives in an integrated manner to reach to outcomes that can help the researchers understand the working of the mind to as subtle levels at it can get and develop effective intervention methods and procedures for prevalent psychological issues.
Name of the Faculty | Title of the research article | Publisher | ISBN/ ISSN | Link of the paper |
Dr. Siva Panuganti | The medicinal efficacy of 36 padakas (drugs) in Agnipurana | IJRAR – (International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews) | 2348-1269 | |
Dr. Siva Panuganti | Dantakasthas (Chewing Sticks) in Ayurveda: A | ACAM – Advances in Complementary & Alternative Medicine | 2347-6923 | |
Dr. Siva Panuganti | An Analysis of Dhātu Varga in Bhāvaprakāśa Nighantu | Annals Ayurvedic Medicine (International Journal) | 2347-6923 | |
Dr. Siva Panuganti | A Survey of Contextual Factors of Meaning in Sanskrit and their Application | Lalita (kavi Bharati) Journal, | 0975-6256 | |
Dr. Siva Panuganti | Rediscovering Traditional Methods for Purification of Water using Important medicinal plants | International Journal of Information Research and Review | 2349-9141 | |
Dr. Siva Panuganti | A study of Pārthiva category in Ānandakanda and other Rasaśāstra texts | Journal of Sanskrit Academy | 0976089X | |
Dr. Siva Panuganti | arthāvabodhane pravṛttinimittasya prāsaṅgikatā | Lalita (kavi Bharati) Journal, | 0975-6256 | |
Dr. Siva Panuganti | āyurvede śikṣopayogi-svāsthyavicārāḥ | Shiksha Sudha – a Quarterly Educational Sanskrit Research Journal | 2249-491X | |
Dr. Siva Panuganti | Significance of Rasaśāstra in Ayurveda | Journal of Sanskrit Academy | 0976 089X | |
Dr.Anupama Ryali | Bŗhattrayyām trivarga samālochanam* | R.S.V.P. Tirupathi | In Print | |
Dr.Anupama Ryali | E-reader of Śiśupālavadham of Māgha (Pūrvārdha), | (2018, University of Hyderabad) | — | |
Dr.Anupama Ryali | काव्यलभ्यं प्रयोजनम्काव्यलभ्यं-प्रयोजनम्/ | Hitaya, 2020; Volume- 8; Peer Reviewed Journal | (ISSN : 2581-7787) | |
Dayananda A R | पातञ्जलयोगसूत्रभाष्यदिशा चित्तपरिणाविमर्शः(A chapter in a book) | Sri Somanath Sanskrit University, Veravalam, Gujarat | 9789383097432 | |
Dayananda A R | विवाहमुहूर्तनिर्णयविचारः | Shodhashauryam, International Scientific refereed Research Journal | Volume-3, Issue 6, ISSN-2581-6306 | |
Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka | Vyutpattivādē apatyaraktādhikāravicāraḥ | Śāstrārthadīpikā, December 2013 | 978-81-925639-4-7 | |
Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka | Praśastapādabhāṣyānurōdhēna saṃyōgaḥ | Śāstrārthadīpikā, December 2014 | 978-81-925639-7-8 | |
Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka | Vyutpattivādānusārēṇa karmapravacanīyāḥ | Śāstrārthadīpikā, December 2015 | 978-81-925639-5-4 | |
Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka | Pramālakṣaṇa Vicāraḥ | Nyāyaśāstrārthaprakāśaḥ, 2017 | 978-81-87324-15-5 | |
Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka | Gurutvaṃ | Śāstrārthadīpikā, October 2014 | 978-81-925639-8-5 | |
Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka | Siddhāntalakṣaṇē pratiyōgyanadhikaraṇatva niṣkarṣaḥ | Māṇikyaprabhā, March – 2019 | 978-93-87088-33-7 | |
Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka | Tarkaśāstrē Prasiddhānāṃ Saṃbandhānāṃ Vijñānābhivyaktau Upayōgaḥ – Ēkaṃ samīkṣaṇaṃ | Śrī Śankara Vaibhava, 2021 | 978-93-85710-85-8 | |