Nyaaya Vaisheshika Advanced

5,400.00 (+ 3.5% online fee)

Expected Outcomes:

  • Understand the ontological schema of the universe according to the empirical/realist school of thought in the Indic system
  • Observe how definitions are improvised to obtain faultless description of unique features of entities
  • Ability to sort and define entities of other knowledge/work domains

References –

  1. Athalye and Bodas, Tarkasangraha of Annambhatta
  2. V N Jha, Tarkasangraha of Annambhatta
  3. Translation by Virupakshananda, Tarka saṁgraha with the Dīpikāof Annambhaṭṭa and Notes, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras
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