Category Psychology @ SVS

Vedic Healing Training for B.Sc. Psychology students

Imagine someone, just by touching your palm at a few places, telling you about your food and sleep habits, your stress / anxiety / depression levels, your chronic ailments, your personality, in short a whole lot about your physical and overall wellness situation and how to improve it! Sounds like magic? Well, it is just traditional Vedic Healing Science in action. During Feb 7-9 2019, fifty B.Sc integral psychology students of MIT School of Vedic Sciences Pune got hands-on training in such techniques not only to diagnose but also to help themselves and others for stress, indigestion, obesity and even…

Seva Yajna!

— Anand Godse My experience during teaching Psychology has taught me a lot of things! And when I apply what I learn in the process of teaching, new activities come out that act as innovative ways and methods of learning.Introducing field experience and continuous projects to the SY and FY students of BSc Integral Psychology was my new venture in the academic year 2018-19! We connected to 4 organisations that are working towards various issues and challenges that people in the society face. Seva Sahayog, Tribal Mensa Nurturing Program, Flow social sciences research organisation and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Observational home…
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