Aim of the Program
Aesthetics is the study of the nature of beauty and art. Aesthetic appreciation is the admiration of beauty, such as valuing the fine arts of music, literature, dance, and visual art.
Sanskrit literature, which constitutes poetry, prose, drama, champu, etc., is ancient and has its roots in the Vedas. Undoubtedly, its popularity is profound for its established methodologies. It is the reflection of society. It indeed brings out the beauty of the internal and external world. These theories and methods are generally assumed to be confined to the books and Sanskrit learners, though they are applicable and used in our day-to-day life including in our professions. Sahitya or alankara shaastra has application in modern design, architecture and other creative professions. This workshop focuses on an application oriented approach to appreciation of Vedic aesthetics. Hence, the aim of this FDP is help Sahitya teachers at UG / PG level to make aesthetics a modern discipline, relevant in daily life, making it an impactful, useful and meaningful subject for the students from different backgrounds and academic disciplines.
Organized by:
The School of Vedic Sciences, MIT ADT University, Loni Kalbhor, Pune, Maharashtra.
Coordinator: Dr.Anupama Ryali
- Train teachers to make Sahitya study more intuitive and interesting to UG/PG students
- Create sustained interest for the subject in students without a background in Sanskrit and pursuing various disciplines such as physical and biological sciences, commerce, management, arts etc
- Awaken a deep and nuanced appreciation of beauty among students from professional and non-literary backgrounds to enhance the impact of their work.
- Teach how to illustrate shaastra concepts with modern examples of today.
Target group/who is it for?
- Working teachers or lecturers of Sanskrit Language of any recognized school, college or university.
Program at a Glance
- Title: Faculty Development Program on Vedic Aesthetics
- Organizers: MIT SVS Pune
- Instructors: Dr.Anupama Ryali
- Why Attend: To gain an application oriented approach to appreciation of Vedic aesthetics
- Delivery Mode: Online via Zoom
- Duration: 6 Dec – 17 Dec, 2021
- Time: 3pm to 4.30 pm (Mon – Fri)
- Audience: Working teachers or lecturers of Sanskrit Language of any recognized school, college or university
- Fee: Rs.2000/- (India residents), USD 50 (non-India residents),
- Certificate: Available subject to evaluation.
- Medium of Instruction: Mix of Sanskrit and English
*Note: Candidates enrolling for the workshop will be scrutinized regarding their affiliation. If ID document is not uploaded or does not meet scrutiny, the enrollment will stand cancelled and the candidate will forfeit the enrollment fees.
Last Date for enrollment: 2 Dec 2021
Group Discussion and Activities
- The participants will be given some assignments to be submitted within the stipulated date to the organizers.
SVS MIT-ADT University shall issue:
Attendance certificate, on demand subject to full attendance
Certificate of participation with grade, to participants with qualifying marks in assignments
Contact: +919112219018 / info.mitsvs@mituniversity.edu.in