Grantha-kovida: Textual Immersion Course

Duration of Program

6 months

Become an educational bridge from tradition to modernity!

Learn an advanced Sanskrit text from a scholar online and teach it to beginners

To disseminate Traditional Indic knowledge embedded in Sanskrit texts widely among mainstream non-Sanskrit students, an army of proficient scholars need to be trained who can bridge the pedagogical divide between traditional scholars and modern students.

MIT SVS is launching a novel 6-month Grantha-kovida Certification Program on Sanskrit text assimilation for Sanskrit students. In this online course, a senior Sanskrit student can learn an advanced Sanskrit text thoroughly under an erudite Acharya and elucidate it in a form that may be absorbed easily by a novice using concept maps, mind maps, Flow charts and other Knowledge Representation tools. For this purpose, a 1-credit online course (15 hours of teaching) will be created by the course participant based on the assimilated text, which will include preparation of syllabus to be taught, actual teaching, assessment methodology and question bank for periodic and final assessments.

Through this program, MIT SVS would like to pay tribute to accomplished bharatiya scholars by connecting them with deserving students to continue their legacy as well as offering a monetary dakshina.


  • Assimilate an advanced text from an erudite scholar in a traditional one-on-one fashion
  • Learn how to paraphrase a text in a lucid, concept-oriented style more suited to a modern novice audience than a linear style.
  • Prepare and teach the text in a short 1-credit (15hr) certificate course to complete the learning. including material, assessments, question bank.


  • Thorough exposure to traditional Bharatiya method of text learning
  • Training in MITSVS’ novel knowledge representation methodology for transforming texts into mindmaps for faster assimilation and reference.
  • First-hand training on how to paraphrase traditional knowledge to modern novice audience for rapid assimilation.

Program Details

  • Name: Grantha-kovida ग्रन्थ-कोविद्
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Credits: 8 (L-T-P ratio 3-1-4)
  • Program Fee: INR 1,20,000 (for India-residents), USD 1800 (for residents outside India)
  • Start Date: The course is open for admission
    throughout the year. The end date will be 6 months from date of admission.
  • Who is Eligible: Anyone who can pass an advanced Sanskrit Comprehension Test.
  • What it includes:
    • 5 months (45 hours) of 1-1 online sessions with a subject-matter expert Acharya
      • 2 * 1.5hr sessions / week with Acharya for 15 weeks
      • 5 hrs of review by SVS (to paraphrase the learning) @ 1 hr / month
    • 1 month of summary course creation by student (video 15 hrs)
      • 15 hrs: SVS evaluation of student course
    • 2 hrs final presentation
    • Student Evaluation and Certification by SVS.
  • Passing an Advanced Sanskrit Comprehension Test online based on the syllabus of the MIT SVS Sanskrit-3 course.
  • Age no bar
  • Educational background no bar (Gurukula students are invited, fellowships available for meritorious Gurukula candidates)
  • Click here to fill out the preregistration form.
  • You will be contacted by MITSVS to understand your interest and objective of text study.
  • When asked, pay the fee online on our website using the link provided.
  • You will be enrolled into the program and guided on the next steps.
  • Week 1: Identify an advanced text and a scholar (internal or external to SVS) with the help of SVS
  • Week 2 to 16: Text study 1×1 with scholar
  • Week 2 to 5: Undergo Shaastric knowledge representation self-paced course by SVS
  • Week 17 to 21: Prepare a 1-credit course and teach to novice audience.
  • Week 22: Final presentation and certification

For further questions, send email to

To Enroll for this course

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