
Credits: 4, L-T-P ratio: 0-1-3, Hours: 105

Course designer: Dr. Vaishnavi Nishankar

Objective: To present Indic scientific treatises chosen to work with by the researcher to be presented in a format that links the concepts as relatas, which help with quicker and deeper understanding and traversing of the chosen scientific text/portion

Prerequisites: None

Expected outcomes:

  • Application of research components imbibed in VSS020 in anlysis and tagging of sentences with the appropriate structural and semantic tags
  • Arriving at the most appropriate shaastric and textual structures for interpreting the chosen Indic scientific text/portion
  • Devising the customized research methodology applicable for the researcher’s subject of research based on the tagged output
  • Conceptually mapping a text/portion of the chosen Indic scientific text based on the relations to make the text/portion more readable, comprehensive and interpretable based on Indic research methodology
  • Presentation of the insights obtained through the process of concept mapping in the subject of research


  1. Tagging a text sentences individually with pre-listed relations and textual structures
  2. Locating the relations and structures that are most relevant through their usage in the tagging process
  3. Converting the tagged content to a well-connected user-friendly concept map
  4. Interpretation and application of the text/portion to the chosen subject of research based on the shaastric research methodology customized for particular research purposes
  5. Presentating the insights and utility that the concept mapping brings about in the subject of research as a report
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