Full-time Faculty
She has completed doctorate in Samskrit Sahitya from Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati and her post-doctoral research (UGC), where she developed an e-reader of ‘Śiśupālavadha of Māgha (Pūrvārdha)’ in the Department of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad. She was the recipient of three gold medals during M.A. in Sanskrit, for being the topper in Osmania University, Hyderabad. She has got a good length of teaching and research experience in the Samskrit language for more than 15 years in various UG and PG institutions including Central University of Hyderabad, and IIIT, Hyderabad.
She also worked as a post-doctoral research associate in national and international projects that include Sanskrit-Hindi machine translation, and collaboration with University of Hyderabad in an international project that aims to preserve and improve access to manuscripts of Mahābhārat and the Bhāgavat Purāṇa, housed at Brown University and University of Pennsylvania, USA. She had an opportunity to translate and edit a few sections of Rāmayaṇ and Mahābhārat, in projects at Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha. She has given several talks in Amaravani program of All India Radio, Hyderabad.
She has a good number of books, e-readers, research papers, and articles of inter-disciplinary subjects, published in reputed and peer-reviewed national and international research journals and conference proceedings. Being a Samskrit scholar, she has a quest for research and teaching, and would always like to extend her full support in paving the way towards easy and comfortable access to and appreciation of the Indian literary legacy.